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VRA Planner

Can be used with PGR access

Once we have identified our capabilities and decided on the technology, we enter the implementation phase. The primary purpose of the Prescription Planner app is to translate the fertilizer technology developed during nutrient management into the language of the machines, and to make it possible to refine the finished plans based on information on site conditions. The app can also be used to prepare spraying and planting prescriptions. The resulting map is compatible with most manufacturers' smart devices.

What is the app for?

Once the field is selected, we can plan fertilizer, seed, and plant protection product applications. As a base map, you can select a fertilization technology from the Nutrient Management app, which includes fertilizers, a productivity map, a predicted yield map or even an NDVI map. With a variety of visualization tools, you can customize maps to suit your needs, view the related statistics or even compare them to find the right one. The rates assigned to the categories can be modified using the editing tools, in line with site requirements or business needs. Finally, with the click of a button, the Rx shape file is ready to be uploaded.


Easy data management

The data and maps created in the related apps can be easily selected in the Prescription Planner.

More accurate planning

By editing the cells, you can modify the plan to suit your site requirements and business needs.

Calculable result

Once the plan is ready, you can see the amount of input material required, which is refined with each modification.


To get the benefits of the PGR, contact us for more information and make the best use of what the system has to offer!